Sadly, people can have negative perceptions of those in PA/admin roles
What we mustn’t do is reinforce those negative perceptions with our behaviour.
“So, I like told him that it was like really difficult to like to do that task.” One of the most simple ways to ensure we create positive perceptions is making small changes to the way we express ourselves. Over the next few days, try replacing phrases you may use similar to those on the left with ones similar to those on the right:
I’m just a secretary | I’m a secretary |
I kinda work as a PA | I work as a PA |
So, you know, it’s like kinda hard to be assertive | It’s not easy being assertive |
Sorry, could I just give you a message | Excuse me, I have a message for you |
We have a little meeting of all the PAs | We have a PAs’ meeting |
The girls in the office | The women I work with |
Sorry, I just thought it’d be OK | I thought it was right at the time |
Attend one of my PA courses to find out so many more ways to reinforce positive perceptions.