Word of the day is ‘erumpent’ (17th century), which describes buds and blossom that are bursting forth with vigour. Can also be used of energetic humans.
Word of the day is the Japanese ’seijaku’: a calm and tranquillity even in the midst of chaos. Often found in nature’s smallest things.
Photo by Xuan Hoa Le
Etymology of the day: ‘book’ comes from an ancient root shared by ‘beech’, a wood that people used for engraving inscriptions. ‘Paper’ comes from ‘papyrus’, and ‘volume’ is from the Latin for a ‘roll’ of parchment.
Happy World Book Day.
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#Assistant #PA #EA #ReinforcePositivePerceptions #EmotionallyIntelligentLeader
On St Valentine's Day, I'm sending love and thanks to everyone of you who supports me, in ways small and large. I am so very grateful. Have a lovely day.
#PA #EA #Assistants
It’s the time of year for mentioning one of my favourite ‘untranslatables’.
‘Poronkusema’, in Finnish, once denoted a distance of around 7.5km, which is roughly how long a reindeer can last before needing to urinate. ‘Poronkusema’ means ‘reindeer pee’.
Word of the day is ‘apanthropist’ (18th century): someone who dislikes company and desires to be left alone.