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Great day with this group in #london for their #InHouse Exceptional #assistant #training

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Great day with this group in #London for their #inhouse Exceptional #Assistant #training 


An early start this morning to meet with the worldwide members of the World Administrators Alliance #PartneringForSuccess team.

Find out more at

#assistant #PA #EA #mycareerofchoice #reinforcepositiveperceptions #emotionallyintelligentleader #thecareerbehindthejob #KnowYourManagersObjectives
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An early start this morning to meet with the worldwide members of the World Administrators Alliance #PartneringForSuccess team.

Find out more at

#Assistant #PA #EA #MyCareerOfChoice #ReinforcePositivePerceptions #EmotionallyIntelligentLeader #TheCareerBehindTheJob #KnowYourManagersObjectives

The role of the #assistant is very much about building relationships and working strategically with your #manager for the success of your organisation. An exceptional #PA / #EA will build rapport with colleagues and clients to enable this success.

However, it's not just what you say that matters, your tone of voice and particularly your body language are crucial in your interactions...

Find out how you can become an exceptional communicator:

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The role of the #Assistant is very much about building relationships and working strategically with your #Manager for the success of your organisation. An exceptional #PA / #EA will build rapport with colleagues and clients to enable this success.

However, its not just what you say that matters, your tone of voice and particularly your body language are crucial in your interactions...

Find out how you can become an exceptional communicator:


Thank you to all the new followers who have recently joined us; you are very welcome; and to the people who have taken advantage of the #Ondemand #onlinetraining we offer

#assistant #PA #EA #mycareerofchoice #reinforcepositiveperceptions #emotionallyintelligentleader #thecareerbehindthejob #KnowYourManagersObjectives #PartneringForSuccess
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Thank you to all the new followers who have recently joined us; you are very welcome; and to the people who have taken advantage of the #ondemand #onlinetraining we offer  

#Assistant #PA #EA #MyCareerOfChoice #ReinforcePositivePerceptions #EmotionallyIntelligentLeader #TheCareerBehindTheJob #KnowYourManagersObjectives #PartneringForSuccess
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